Extruder why there will be poor plastic?

Release date:2017-12-25

In the production process, the extruder sometimes appear poor plastic, which is why? Here to help you answer.

First, scorch

1, scorch phenomenon

(1) the temperature reflects the ultra-high, or the temperature control of the instrument failure, resulting in super-high temperature plastic scorch.

(2) the mouth of the mouth of the plastic mouth smoke, strong irritating odor, in addition there are crackling sound.

(3) plastic surface of the coke particles scorched.

(4) There are continuous pores at the glue joint.

2, the cause of scorch

(1) high temperature control caused by plastic scorch.

(2) long-term use of the screw without cleaning, scorch accumulation, with the plastic extrusion.

(3) heating time is too long, long-term plastic accretion heating, plastic deterioration and scorch.

(4) parking time is too long, there is no cleaning head and screw, causing plastic decomposition scorch.

(5) Mold change or color change many times, resulting in plastic decomposition scorch.

(6) No compression gland head, plastic decomposition inside aging.

(7) control of the temperature of the instrument failure, resulting in scorch after ultra-high temperature.

3, rule out the scorch method

(1) regular checks heating system is normal.

(2) Regularly clean the screw or head, to thoroughly clean.

(3) according to the requirements of the process of heating, heating time should not be too long, if there is a problem heating system to find the timely solution to the staff. (4) For the mold or color change should be timely, clean, prevent variegated or deposit scorch.

(5) After adjusting the mold to die gland compression to prevent into the plastic.

(6) found scorch should immediately clean the nose and screw.

Second, poor plasticization

1, poor plasticizing phenomenon

(1) Plastic layer surface toad skin phenomenon.

(2) the temperature control is low, the meter pointer reflects the temperature is low, the actual measured temperature is also low.

(3) black plastic surface, and a small crack or no plastic good small particles.

(4) plastic plastic suture is not good, there is a clear trace.

2, poor plasticizing causes

(1) temperature control is too low or inappropriate control.

(2) Plastics are difficult to plasticize the resin particles.

(3) improper operation method, screw and traction speed is too fast, the plastic does not fully achieve plasticization.

(4) granulation of plastic mixed with uneven or plastic itself quality problems.

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